Meet Amy Lavery

Amy is a Chartered Physiotherapist and fully Certified APPI Pilates Matwork and large equipment instructor. She has over 13 years experience as a Physiotherapist and specialises in scar therapy and core rehabilitation.     

After having 2 c-sections herself, Amy realised that there was little aftercare for the management and treatment of scarring. Since then Amy has attended post graduate education on the treatment of scars caused by accidents or any surgery including hysterectomy, mastectomy and total knee replacement. Amy is committed to helping enhance the health and wellbeing of her clients.  

Amy began teaching Pilates in 2010 after trying physio led Pilates classes to rehabilitate her own low back pain. She tried all types of therapy before finally finding Pilates. She was so thrilled by her own improvements that she had to learn the method for herself and share her belief and passion.  

When Amy is not in clinic or the Pilates studio she has two young children that keep her busy. You will find Amy and her family enjoying walks around Ebrington Square, along the North Coast or near a Fermanagh lake. Amy also plays tennis for her local Tennis club and loves to travel and meet new people.  

Amy looks forward to welcoming you to the clinic and helping you to feel your best.  


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