Meet Mary Bradley

Mary has worked for the Health Service in N. Ireland for over 10 years as an adult Dietitian and continues to do so. She has worked in a range of clinical areas during this time for example care of the elderly, surgical, gastroenterology, medical wards, critical care (ICU & HDU) and since 2016 as a Specialist Oncology Dietitian. 

Her mission is to optimise your nutrition throughout your cancer treatment journey e.g.: surgery, chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy and immunotherapy. Her main passion is helping those who have experienced unintentional weight loss due to their cancer diagnosis and as a result of the side effects of their cancer treatment. She can help you manage the side effects of treatment and the demands that cancer puts on the body. She will also help to dispel myths around food and cancer, for example does sugar feed cancer?...

Should you choose to follow a specific diet Mary can help support you through that. She offers a non-judgemental service that offers not only advice regarding nutrition but a supportive environment for you to feel relaxed and listened to.

Mary has a range of experience in seeing both curative and palliative cancer patients. Some of the cancer groups she has specialist knowledge in include oesophageal, pancreatic, stomach, gallbladder, and cholangiocarcinoma. As well as breast, prostate, bowel, and lung.

She is also passionate about mindset and the various techniques that can be used to help patients who may suffer with stress and anxiety. 

Mary offers a range of services including:

  • Face to Face appointments at the Health Hub NI and also at Body & Mind Garvagh

  • Virtual 1:1 appointments 

  • Webinars 

  • Group Sessions 

Face-to-face appointments are available on selected Thursdays and Saturdays with additional appointments available for virtual consultations on a Friday evening. 


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